How EMM Spells Mobile Security

July 15, 2015

The arrival of enterprise mobility management (EMM) is about much more than our industry’s affection for new acronyms. In reality, it’s a vital response to wave after wave of mobile trends that have eroded traditional security systems.

With 72% of the entire U.S. workforce expected to go mobile by 2020, it’s clear that companies now need a more comprehensive strategy if they hope to keep their heads above water.

So how exactly does EMM keep them afloat?

EMM Solidifies Mobile Device Management

In many ways, mobile device management (MDM) is the original ancestor of EMM. As a result, the wisdom gained through generations of MDM strategies has been filtered into the foundation of EMM. This knowledge is reflected in fundamental security features like:

  • Tracking device inventory
  • Registering device ownership
  • Configuring new devices
  • Confirming OS updates

However, the evolution of end user behavior and the expanding role of mobile in the modern enterprise now means companies need more than MDM to confidently control their technology.

EMM Prioritizes Mobile Application Management

Today’s employees use mobile devices for more than merely checking email. But while their appetite for additional applications often boosts productivity, unapproved programs have become a serious problem.

According to the latest research, the average global enterprise has approximately 2,400 unsafe apps operating in its mobile environment.

After looking at a number like that, it should be no surprise to see mobile application management (MAM) listed as the second leg of a successful EMM strategy. This crucial component helps companies keep an eye on what commercial apps employees are downloading while ensuring access to proprietary apps is being provided on a need-only basis.

EMM Elevates Mobile Information Management

Mobile information management (MIM) will be the most novel element of EMM for most companies. Yet the logic behind it is hardly new.

Instead of focusing on the endless array of devices and applications being used among your workforce, MIM places the emphasis on safeguarding the corporate information transmitted to and from each. By employing data encryption and role-based privacy controls, MIM can significantly reduce the risk of a costly breach.

Overall, EMM provides an excellent framework for designing successful security strategies, but considerable planning is required for an effective implementation.

Contact us for more insights into how EMM can work for you!