SF Mobile Entrepreneurs Meetup #1: Entrepreneurial Path of Dave Hunkins

November 6, 2013

Dave was infected with the Silicon Valley bug of startups and entrepreneurship almost 10 years ago. He retired from corporate product management in 2007 to start making things ― and hasn’t looked back…creating new things.

At SF Mobile Entrepreneurs meetup Dave shared some of the highlight from his entrepreneurial path and the story behind Sumry app.

However, before we get to Sumry, let’s what other interesting projects Dave has worked on. First of all, really cool bags that can both serve as a grocery bag and as a backpack (when you are riding a bike, for instance). Then there were Zatchu Punch ― cardboard toys that help you develop spatial and critical thinking. What’s more, they are made of recycled materials! Then there were some experiments with Stencilizer. Remember, a tip from our previous speaker Shaan about getting personal with your customers? That’s exactly what Dave does ― sometimes he even personally delivers the products to his first customers.

Juggling multiple startups that range from physical goods, fashion accessories to various web services, Dave usually works on 3+projects simultaneously. It helps him to focus on what’s really important. Having played with some physical goods production, Dave also has interesting experiences in mobile. Dave has gone through all stages of creating a mobile app himself, and even learned to code! Having worked with a distributed team, remote co-founder, they still managed to finish app development with 2k. Can you believe it?

Now let’s check out the app. Sumry is more than just a photo app. It allows you to capture images together with sounds. Then you can create a summary ― which is as rich as a video, but as small as an image. It’s much easier to edit and share than a video, but it really captures a mood of the event much better than just a photo.

Sumry is still at its early stage. Currently, Dave is figuring out some of the tech issues as well as the marketing strategy. So, I am sure soon we are going to hear about this product a lot!

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