The digital transformation itself is a trend of the past years and it’s only starting to kick into high gear. Due to the fast development of technologies, it was inevitable for the companies to acquire them and implement to enhance their services. The number of available technologies and tools adds up to the process. Thus, step by step companies are moving towards digital transformation.
Integration of digital technologies into work of different companies, small ones and big enterprises, as well as its usage in mass media, government systems, culture, health industry, etc., opens up a lot of opportunities. It also facilitates workflow, company organization and gives a chance to deliver high-quality services to customers faster. So, what are the most popular digital transformation trends? Let’s discuss them in detail.
What are They 10 Top Digital Transformation Trends in 2020?
Some of the trends in digital transformation have already been widely used but keep to be core ones. Providing research on the ones that will prevail in 2020, we have come up with the list.
- XaaS: Everything-As-A-ServiceProviding services via cloud and the Internet is one of the growing trends in digital transformation. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) are already used and successfully deployed for various business purposes. The number of services delivered in this way is growing and expanding, creating a big set of tools that make up into XaaS. For instance, Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS), Communication-as-a-Service (CaaS), Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS), Healthcare-as-a-Service (HaaS), Transport-as-a-Service (TaaS), etc. Everyone is familiar with the last one, as we all have already tried it. It’s Uber and Uber-like services where you can easily find a car, as well as share it with someone else, via the Internet.XaaS has a lot of benefits both for business and customers that include absolute scalability of the processes (level up or down when necessary and in accordance with the needs of an enterprise), cost- and time-effectiveness (there is no need to install equipment as XaaS uses pay-and-go scheme), impeccable services (all the tools are constantly updated). What is more, previously mentioned advantages lead to one of the most important one – customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- CloudThe rise of XaaS leads to further development of Cloud computing. It’s important for the enterprises to adopt cloud as it is essential for digital transformation. Cloud computing enables scalability, flexibility, operational agility, data decoding, a gathering of consumer insights, task management, etc. The technology gives a chance to develop, test, and deploy apps without building complex infrastructures. Also, it facilitates communication and collaboration of the company’s teams by giving access to the information from any place and any time that results in more efficient services.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)AI and ML are one of the digital transformation trends that are not going to stop growing and penetrating into a bigger number of fields. As technology enhances, AI will be of great help not only to businesses but also to government, health industry, manufacture, etc. In addition to this, it will be useful for marketing strategies and business plans. AI can enhance production phase thanks to its analytical skills, as a quick and efficient revision of the processes will show where you can save some time.AI technologies soon will be irreplaceable in the healthcare industry. For instance, we want to make treatment more personalized and that will have better results for the patient. AI tools can examine and analyze different cases of the same disease, including body measurements, disease history, medications used, etc., to come up with the best treatment for a particular patient. It’s going to revolutionize the healthcare industry, as people won’t waste their time on the wrong treatment and there will be a chance to cure diseases quicker and more effectively.
- Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented reality is something in between real and virtual ones. It has been already implemented by several companies and shows excellent results. For example, IKEA has created a mobile application that allows its users to find the most suitable furniture without even going to the shop. You can direct a camera to the place where you want to see a new piece of furniture and the app will show you the best options, even give some advice.Another helpful use of AR tools will be for the examination of different things, for instance, cars. If the car is broken, AR can analyze it and show where it should be fixed without even looking into it or knocking down.VR will also expand in the nearest future and will be used widely in education, construction, tourism, etc. Just imagine, students can practise their skills and apply knowledge without leaving a classroom that will give them hands-on experience and prepare to dill with all sorts of tasks effectively.
- Big Data Analysis
By taking into consideration previous points of the list, it is inevitable for big data analysis to develop and be one of the major trends. Development of high-quality analytical tools is essential for digital transformation. Every field will need special equipment and technologies that can easily and effectively analyze the received data. Companies should invest in this sphere as user data has a lot of advantages for them that might result in higher revenue and a bigger number of clients.
- 5G5G is the most expected trend in 2020. Big telecommunication providers are already working on 5G deployment and it will definitely hit the world this year. Although it is usually associated with smartphones, 5G value is not limited by them. It will accelerate the advancement of smart manufacturing, smart vehicles, and cities. In other words, the advantages are limitless and it can revolutionize different fields, including education, healthcare, agriculture, and business. What is more, in combination with AR and IoT, it can bring even more opportunities. 5G enables companies to accelerate their digital transformation process by transmitting huge quantities of data faster, and with the help of AI, the data can be analyzed quicker and more effectively.
- BlockchainIt is forespoken that blockchain will be associated not only with cryptocurrency. The technology has great potential and is able to reshape different industries, including eCommerce, banking, retails, etc. Among the benefits of blockchain, we can distinguish value exchange and transparency, it can result in cost transaction reduction, settlement times, and improve cash flow. By now, banking is the most manure field of blockchain implementation but it will expand to other fields of human activity.
- IoTInternet of Things will also continue to develop and interconnect more and more devices. Huge volumes of information that will be transferred across numerous networks need better protection. It results in enhancement of IoT security field. It is essential as people should be protected from scammers and malicious attacks. Apart from this, retail is where IoT can add up to the user experience by simplifying online shopping.Moving even further, IoT supported features will help with energy and resource management, for instance, indoor temperature control.
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)The adoption of RPA by different businesses will also grow in 2020. RPA is the automation of frequently repeated tasks by robots. The aim is to save time on showing how something works. It gives employees more freedom as RPA demonstrates the processes and completes tasks accurately.RPA is more likely to be used as a complementary technology to the AI or IoT, but it can add up to the development of Smart Cities and automated cars.
- Driverless Cars, Smart Cities and DronesThe use of above-mentioned technologies and solutions for digital transformation soon can result in smart cities, driverless vehicles, and automated drones. All digital technologies add up to the process by improving the infrastructure of the cities, emergy usage, housing, security, mobility, etc. Thanks to easy and quick connectivity, data analytics and its processing, the information can be gathered and evaluated, creating an image of “city behaviour”. Access to real-time data from various devices facilitates the life of citizens. For instance, by using digital technologies, governments and city authorities can involve people to participate in city life to a greater extent. What is more, big data analysis can provide solutions for more efficient ways of energy consumption, etc.Car manufacturers are already working on the development of automated cars that can serve around the city. Drone automation is also an essential part of smart cities as they can enhance security and keep a peaceful environment. Digital era is fast approaching and soon we might experience the fourth industrial revolution.
As can be seen, there is a number of technologies that can help all kinds of businesses (small, middle, and enterprises) to grow, develop, and deliver high-quality services to the customers. Take into consideration the advantages these tools and technologies bring and make the best use of them for your own purposes. Going digital is a long-term project but the results you might get worth heading in this direction. Still, in order to survive in this highly-competitive world, you have to adjust to changes quickly and keep your fingers on the pulse of digital transformation trends.